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Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength

Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength

Centro Cardiovascular Santa Lucia, Anti-mold chemicals, Colombia. Retrieved March 21, Guarana Energy Pills In women, lower HGS was Waist-to-hpi Guarana Energy Pills a stdength higher MetS muscl T3 vs. For Boost metabolic energy levels, a study Waist-to-hpi more than 15, adults showed that a high WHR was linked to an increased risk of early death — even in people with a moderate BMI. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the test results before the experiment. Open menu Brazil. Increased adipose deposits are therefore more likely to form in these individuals, causing the high WHR.

Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength -

We considered a home rural if it was located more than 50 km from an urban center. A home was selected if a family member was between the ages of 35—70 years old and if the individuals intended to stay in this household for the next 4 years.

Trained personnel made three attempts to contact a member of each household for door-to-door collection of information. We included all participants who completed and signed written consent. For each consenting participant, sociodemographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors were obtained.

Blood pressure, anthropometrics and handgrip strength were also measured. Triglycerides, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were estimated by enzymatic colorimetric method in an automatic analyzer Hitachi , Boehringer Mannheim and LDL-c was calculated.

For detecting dysglycemia, the enzymatic hexokinase method was applied to determine glucose levels in each sample. Individuals with a low educational level were those without schooling, primary schooling, or unknown academic history.

We considered smokers all those who consumed a daily tobacco product in the last 12 months and included those who reported having quit smoking in the last year. Never drinking was defined as self-reported abstinence, former drinking was defined as having ceased alcohol consumption for 1 year or more, and current drinking was defined as consumption of alcohol in the past year.

Blood pressure was taken with no smoking, physical activity, or food consumption during the previous 30 min and after the participant sat for 5 min.

Anthropometric measurements were taken following the standardized protocol of the PURE study. Weight was measured using a digital scale with the participant lightly clothed with no shoes.

Height was measured to the nearest millimeter using a tape measure with the participant standing without shoes. Waist and hip circumferences were measured unclothed using a tape measure.

The WC was considered the smallest circumference between the costal margin and the iliac crest. The hip circumference was measured at the level of the greater trochanters.

Handgrip strength was measured was evaluated on the individual's non-dominant hand using a Jamar dynamometer Sammons Preston, Bolingbrook, IL, USA , according to a standardized protocol [ 9 ]. Standing, the participant held the dynamometer at the side of the body with the elbow flexed at degree angle and was asked to squeeze the device as hard as possible for 3 s.

This was repeated twice with 30 s rest between each attempt. Physical activity PA was evaluated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ.

IPAQ which assesses physical activity undertaken across a comprehensive set of domains, including leisure-time physical activity, domestic and gardening activities, work-related physical activity, transport-related physical activity. These thresholds take into account that the IPAQ queries PA in multiple domains of daily life, resulting in higher median MET-minutes estimates than would be that estimated from considering leisure-time participation alone.

One point was conferred for each alteration of the cluster of MetS as defined by IDF elevated triglycerides, low HDL-c, dysglycemia, or high blood pressure , generating a score of 0 to 4 for each participant, a high score was considered if 2 or more points were achieved.

WC was not included in the calculation of our metabolic score as it was also an outcome variable. Descriptive statistics were computed for variables of interests and included absolute and relative frequencies of categorical factors.

Testing for differences in categorical variables was accomplished using the Chi-square test. Moreover, we used unconditional multivariate logistic regression models to assess the associations between anthropometric variables and handgrip strength, and the MetS score.

These analyses were adjusted for potential confounders, such as age, socioeconomic status, income and education level.

We re-coded the anthropometric variables and handgrip strength into sex-specific tertiles and compared the risk of a higher MetS score in each tertile with the lowest category of risk reference group. All statistical analysis was carried out using the R software version 3. The mean age was The overall prevalence of MetS was MetS was more frequent in women, people older than 50 years; it was also more frequent in individuals living in urban areas, former drinkers, and smokers.

The prevalence of MetS was higher in participants with a lower level of education compared with those with a high school or college degree. The percentage of subjects with MetS was lower in tertile 1 of BMI There were no significant differences in the prevalence of MetS across tertiles of HGS tertile 3: However, the prevalence of MetS Figure 1 shows the sex-specific distribution of the MetS scores.

The association between anthropometric variables and the risk of a higher MetS score is shown in Table 2. A higher WC was associated with a risk of a higher MetS score, with women and men in the tertile 3 of WC mean Participants in tertile 3 of BMI mean In women, lower HGS was associated with a significantly higher MetS score T3 vs.

In men, there were no significant differences in MetS score across HGS tertiles. The overall prevalence of MetS in this cohort of Colombian adults was A lower prevalence was reported by Higuita-Guitierrez in Colombian adults of which Aging is associated with an increase in adipose tissue and a decreased muscle mass [ 17 ], body composition changes which predispose to the development of metabolic alterations.

The prevalence of MetS was higher in women Lower educational level was associated with a higher prevalence of MetS Educational level is an indicator of social inequity, lower levels reflecting not only less schooling, but also a higher risk of unhealthy life habits, and lower access to employment and physical activity participation.

Social factors associated with MetS prevalence, should be further examined. We found that lower muscle strength and higher central adiposity as defined by waist circumference, were independently associated with a higher MetS score, representing a greater number of alterations of the components of the MetS cluster.

Our cross-sectional analysis showed a stronger association between a higher MetS score and WC than BMI, confirming previous studies showing that in Latin-American and Chinese population, WC is a stronger predictor of major cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction or stroke than BMI, particularly in men [ 8 , 21 ].

Similarly, in diabetic Chinese adults, high visceral fat measured by a visceral adiposity index and WC were associated with a higher prevalence of diabetic kidney disease and CVD compared to BMI [ 22 ]. These findings may be related to the higher inflammatory load associated with visceral adipose tissue accumulation, and inflammation is considered a key factor associated with insulin resistance, MetS and CVD [ 23 , 24 ].

The low-grade pro-inflammatory state characterized by high C-reactive protein levels is observed in adults and youth in our population with high visceral adiposity [ 25 , 26 ]. However, the accumulation of visceral fat is not the only contributing factor in the development of a pro-inflammatory state.

The accumulation of cardiac fat is also associated with higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1, TNF-α, and the expression of adipokine fatty acid-binding protein 4 FABP4 that are associated with the development of MetS and the extent of coronary artery disease [ 27 , 28 ].

Hence, overall fat measurement should not be underestimated. For example, in a cohort of 1, Italian children and adolescents However, BMI cannot discriminate between lean body mass and fat mass; hence, BMI is not necessarily an appropriate parameter of excessive adiposity.

Body fat distribution may be more valuable than overall adiposity in the prediction of metabolic alterations. This aligns with the concept of an obesity paradox whereby subjects with higher BMI levels were shown to have lower levels of cardiovascular events [ 30 ]. Obesity induced alterations in body composition include both an increase in adipose and in low-density lean tissue, without an increment in normal- lean density tissue, suggesting a fatty infiltration of muscular tissue [ 31 ].

Furthermore, studies in Colombian adults have demonstrated that individuals with a high BMI due to higher muscle mass have a lower risk of CVD than individuals with the same BMI due to elevated adipose mass [ 32 ].

This highlights that not only adipose tissue influences insulin action, other tissues such as muscle and hepatic tissue also affect this interaction. Therefore, in our population, WC continues to be the most applicable, easy to perform anthropometric indicator of adiposity and predictor of metabolic alterations and CV risk.

Furthermore, rather than a specific weight value, the cardiometabolic dysfunction produced by the adipose tissue's inflammation and its involvement in the muscle tissue should be managed.

Few studies have examined associations between strength, adiposity, and MetS or its components in adults in low and middle-income countries and considered its association with CVD and mortality [ 1 ]. The PURE study, a large international prospective cohort that included the present population, demonstrated an association between low HGS and CVD and all-cause mortality in the population as a whole [ 9 ].

In a sample of Chinese adults of similar size as the present study, and mean age of Additionally, in a sample of subjects mean age Relative strength, handgrip adjusted by bodyweight or BMI, is an appropriate marker of insulin resistance.

Several levels of evidence support the notion that muscle strength is protective, and more so than muscle mass [ 39 , 40 ]. Prospective studies have established that low muscle strength, typically characterized using handgrip dynamometry, is predictive of cardiometabolic risk and mortality, independent of aerobic fitness and physical activity [ 9 , 41 ].

Furthermore, intervention studies also consistently show benefits of strength training on components of MetS and other relevant markers of CVD risk, such as C-reactive protein [ 43 ]. This is particularly relevant in low and middle-income countries on the basis that in these regions 1 there are steeper increases in the burden of chronic disease in low and middle-income countries [ 45 ] 2 lower muscle strength is reported compared to high -income countries [ 9 ] and 3 the protective effect of muscle strength on cardiometabolic health may be accentuated in individuals with lower birth weight, an indicator or poorer early life nutrition and a more common phenotype in the lower socioeconomic status within middle-income countries [ 26 ].

Considering the association between MetS cluster metabolic alterations and CVD, our findings suggest that public health strategies should not only focus on adiposity but also identify and address lower muscular strength in our population [ 10 , 46 ].

Our study has the limitation of cross-sectional analyses, in that we demonstrated associations between adiposity, strength, and MetS in our population without establishing causality in these associations.

We did not use body composition methods such as bioimpedance or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry that estimate muscle and fat mass. Therefore, quantifying relative muscle strength in an individual through the simple, quick and low-cost measurement of handgrip dynamometry in addition to the classic anthropometric measurements of adiposity i.

Having greater muscle strength could be a protective factor against the metabolic alterations that constitute this syndrome. Handgrip strength is also associated with frailty and other non-cardiometabolic related chronic physical and mental health outcomes [ 47 ], so from a clinical perspective it can also contribute to the wider a screening of patient health.

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X-ray beams pass through different body tissues at different rates. So DEXA uses two low-level X-ray beams to develop estimates of fat-free mass, fat mass, and bone mineral density.

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Abstract Resumo English Resumo Portuguese Resumo Spanish. Text EN Text English. PDF Download PDF English. ABSTRACT Introduction: Recent research on the probability of increasing physical injuries during physical activities revealed that resistance training can improve physical performance of college students, prevent sports injuries and reduce the body fat rate of its practitioners.

Objective: Analyze the effects of resistance training on the body index of university students. Methods: One hundred female college students were selected as experimenters to ensure normal activities for 16 weeks.

Results: After 16 weeks of experimental intervention, the average chest circumference, average waist circumference, average hip circumference, and average leg circumference of the experimental group were Conclusion: Resistance training and aerobic exercise have the most significant effect on body fat rate.

Keywords: Training, Endurance; Body Mass Index; Students; Universities. RESUMO Introdução: Pesquisas recentes sobre a preocupação na probabilidade do aumento em lesões físicas durante as atividades físicas revelaram que o treinamento de resistência pode melhorar o desempenho físico dos estudantes universitários, prevenir lesões esportivas e reduzir a taxa de gordura corporal de seus praticantes.

Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos do treinamento de resistência física sobre o índice corporal dos estudantes universitários. Métodos: Cem estudantes universitárias foram selecionadas como experimentadoras para garantir atividades normais durante 16 semanas.

Conclusão: O treinamento de resistência e o exercício aeróbico têm o efeito mais significativo na taxa de gordura corporal. RESUMEN Introducción: Recientes investigaciones sobre la preocupación por la probabilidad de aumento de lesiones físicas durante las actividades físicas revelaron que el entrenamiento de resistencia puede mejorar el rendimiento físico de los estudiantes universitarios, prevenir lesiones deportivas y reducir el índice de grasa corporal de sus practicantes.

Objetivo: Analizar los efectos del entrenamiento de resistencia física sobre el índice corporal de estudiantes universitarios.

Métodos: Se seleccionaron cien estudiantes universitarias como experimentadoras para garantizar una actividad normal durante 16 semanas.

Conclusión: El entrenamiento de resistencia y el ejercicio aeróbico tienen el efecto más significativo sobre el índice de grasa corporal. METHOD In this paper, female college students in a university were selected as the main subjects, and female college students with similar age, height and weight were selected as the main training objects.

Table 2 Comparison of Body Fat Rate of College Students before and after Resistance Training. Table 5 Comparison of changes in basic metabolism of female college students before and after resistance training.

Figure 1 Comparison of muscular endurance indexes of four groups of athletes before and after training. Yeung J, Okamoto D, Soar J, Perkins GD. Westcott WL. Calle MC, Fernandez ML. Fisher J, Steele J, Smith D. Schoenfeld BJ. Publication Dates Publication in this collection 27 Feb Date of issue History Received 25 Nov Accepted 08 Dec This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Sen Lin Physical Education Professional. Zhejiang Police College, The Department of Police Command and Tactical, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China. Zhejiang Police College China Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Zhejiang Police College, The Department of Police Command and Tactical, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China.

Bo Chen Correspondence: Bo Chen, Beijing, China. bochen com Physical Education Professional. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Physical Education Department, Beijing, China.

Beijing University of Chemical Technology China Beijing, China Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Physical Education Department, Beijing, China.

Correspondence: Bo Chen, Beijing, China. All authors declare no potential conflict of interest related to this article. Figures 1 Tables 5.

Basic indicators Age age Height cm Weight kg Experience group Index BMI Body fat percentage Time Before experiment After experiment Before experiment After experiment Experience group Project Back muscle strength kg Squat kg Before experiment After experiment Before experiment After experiment Experience group Content Basic metabolic capacity kcal Before experiment After experiment Experience group Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte Av.

Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, , 6º and. Stay informed of issues for this journal through your RSS reader. PDF English.

Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength waist—hip ratio or waist-to-hip ratio WHR is the dimensionless ratio ratii the circumference of Waisr-to-hip waist to strengh of the hips. For Waisg-to-hip, a person Guarana Energy Pills a strengh Guarana Energy Pills waist and 95 rato hips or a Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength waist and inch hips Inflammation and chronic pain management WHR of about 0. The WHR Waist-ot-hip been used as an indicator or measure of health, fertilityand the risk of developing serious health conditions. WHR correlates with perceptions of physical attractiveness. According to the World Health Organization 's data gathering protocol, [3] the waist circumference should be measured at the midpoint between the lower margin of the last palpable ribs and the top of the iliac crestusing a stretch-resistant tape that provides constant g 3. Hip circumference should be measured around the widest portion of the buttocks, with the tape parallel to the floor. The United States National Institutes of Health and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey used results obtained by measuring at the top of the iliac crest. Waist-to-hip ratio and muscle strength

Author: Dugis

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